Peanut butter is the great American staple food. There is so much we think we know about that great staple but there are ten surprising facts you might not know about peanuts and peanut butter. So many people enjoy eating the great nutritional food. Kids love it, adults love it and even our pets enjoy it. Knowing some facts about peanut butter may give you a chance to teach your children something fun while they are a eating that peanut butter and jelly sandwich at lunch.
Peanut butter is great on sandwiches, in smoothies and even dinner recipes. It can be spread, mixed and whipped in and on all kinds of wonderful things. Peanut butter is higher in nutrition when eating a lesser refined product and has even more benefits. Natural peanut butter does not contain all the trans fatty acids that can lead to circulatory and cardiovascular problems and it also does not have the complications when stored improperly of contracting a mold that is known to be a carcinogen.
Whatever your personal preferences are to your type of peanut butter, natural or refined, chunky or creamy, there are some interesting facts about the awesome staple we all keep in our cupboards.
Ten Interesting Facts About Peanut Butter
1.Did you know that it takes about 540 peanuts to make a 12-ounce jar of peanut butter? That's a lot of peanuts!
2.Peanut butter was first introduced to the U.S. in the year 1904 in St. Louis at the Universal Exposition. It was introduced by a man named C.H. Sumner, who had sold $705.11 of the "new wonder treat" at the concession stand he was running at the exposition.
3.Each person in the United States is said to eat more than three pounds each of peanut butter and peanuts each and every year.That's amazing!
4.Three Pounds of Peanut butter consumed every year by Americans equals approximately 700 million pounds of peanut butter. Now that's a lot of peanut butter!
5.It is estimated that nearly 75% of homes in the United States has a jar of peanut butter in their cupboard. I know I am one of those people!
6.Nearly half of all crops in the United States are produced into peanut butter.
7.The largest peanut butter and jelly sandwich ever made, measured 40 feet long. It was created November 6, 1993 in Peanut, Pennsylvania. It contained 150 pounds of jelly and 50 pounds of peanut butter.
8.Did you know that most people on the east coast prefer creamy peanut butter while the people on the west coast prefer crunchy peanut butter?
9.Georgia, along with Texas, are the two largest peanut producers in the United States? Georgia's official state crop is peanuts.
10.And last but not least, it is said that 96% of people making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, put the peanut butter on first, before they spread on the jelly.
Knowing fun and surprising facts about peanuts and peanut butter may not make it taste better, but it can make the conversations much more interesting and fun while you are preparing and eating your wonderfully nutritious food.